Japanese Birch Special
(call to order single trees)
Japanese Birch also called the Asian white birch is regarded as one of the most pest resistant white-barked birches.
The Japanese birch has shown great resistance to the white birch borer and to
the leaf miner. The leaves and shape of the Japanese Birch is very close to the paper birch. The
main visual difference between the paper birch and the Japanese birch is the
white or paper birch has exfoliating bark and the Japanese does not. They both
have the beautiful chalky white bark. The cultivar `Whitespire Senior' is micro-propagated from the original tree. The tree tolerates slightly alkaline soil conditions.
are found most commonly mixed with white cedar or
arborvitae and hemlock in low
lying areas in the upper Midwest.
As with most Birch the Whitespire Birch loves wet ground and full sun. Given
enough water and fertilizer a Japanese Birch can grow 2-4' per year. We have
birch saplings and seedlings of white or paper, river and whitespire or Japanese
Order by PHONE: We're glad to take your
order by phone. For your convenience, we have a toll free number 800
568-9179. Phone orders can be charged to VISA or MasterCard accounts.
Order Japanese white birch by MAIL: For those who wish to
order by mail or prefer to send a check, send orders to:
Porcupine Hollow Farm
8593 W. Old State Rd. Central Lake, Mi. 49622
Buy Japanese Maple using our secure shopping cart:
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Shipping & Handling: Most orders are
shipped UPS. Make sure we have your street address and a daytime phone number.
Please include 20% shipping and packaging with
your order.
Minimum shipping $15
Residents add 6% sales tax.