

Scientific Name: Acer negundo
Zone: 3-9
Mature Height: 30-50 ft
Mature Width: 30-50 ft
Growth Rate: Fast
Soil:  Moist, well-drained soil, even wet soils
Sun Requirements: Full to Part Sun
Fall Color: Yellow, orange, red

0+ pcs.
$2.75-$22.00 $2.75-$22.00
SKU: N/A Category:


Boxelder (Acer negundo) is a tree in the maple family that can be found from Canada all the way down in to Central America. The three leaflets of the boxelder resemble poison ivy a bit. The tree is quite fast growing making it a helpful species for quick shade and erosion control. It is even often used as an nonevergreen windbreak.

Boxelder can be a bit of an aggressive grower, with many suckers growing out as well. Boxelder’s biggest commercial value is as a pulp tree.

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12-18", 18-24", 2-3ft, 3-4ft, 4-5ft, 4-6", 5-6ft, 6-12"