Fraser x Balsam Fir

Scientific Name: Abies fraseri  x balsamea
Zone: 3-7
Mature Height: 50-60 ft
Mature Width: 20-30 ft
Growth Rate: Slow, about a foot a year
Soil:  Moist, fertile, well-drained soil
Drought Tolerance:  Intolerant
Flood Tolerance:  Poor
Sun Requirements: Sun
Fall Color: None
Wildlife Value:  Deer browse the greenery. Squirrels, chipmunks and other rodents eat the seeds.

from 0 pcs.


This cross between a Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) and a balsam fir (Abies balsamea) with great characteristics of both trees. It has great needle retention, soft needles set on firm branches (great for ornaments), a dark green color with a silver underside, and a nice dense covering of needles. Needles are about 1″ long and cones are 2-4″ long, gathered at the top of the tree and they often persist for years. Buds break on the fraser/balsam is a little later in the spring, reducing spring frost damage. It also produces many more buds than the parent trees, making these thicker than either the fraser or balsam. Naturally grows in a beautiful shape and smells so wonderful!